Find out if a person alive or dead in Ukraine. Check if a person is alive Ukraine. Find out if a person is alive or dead Ukraine. Check if a person is still alive in Ukraine

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Our detective agency is investigating whether the person is alive and what's wrong with him. Through us you can check if someone is still alive in Kiev, Odessa, Ukraine.

Sometimes in life there are situations when people lose contact with their relatives, friends, acquaintances, business partners and do not know what is happening to this person, for example, whether he is alive.

Sometimes the connections are lost due to randomness or time, and sometimes other ill-wishers deliberately do so to create barriers between communication. So, for example, just recently, a woman approached us at the agency with a request to find out that with her mother, whether she is alive, since her own brother, who lives with her mother, completely protected them from communication. Having taken away from the mother, the phone and hiding the contacts of the daughter, who lives in another region. Most likely, this was done with the mercantile goal of inheritance.

To establish whether a person is alive can in several ways.

The first way is the most budgetary for a client. We establish where the person officially works and for how long. Accordingly, if a person goes to work, then he is alive. The relevance of the data and its freshness, the last three months from the date of the request. More information about setting the place of work and the price of the service by reference.

The second way is slightly more expensive. We will find out whether or not there is a certificate of the death of a person. This means that we will confirm or disprove this fact. The price is 153 $.

The third is even more expensive way we set the address of registration of a person, we come there and find out what's wrong with him. 

The fourth stage is the most expensive, and the price is negotiable and is calculated separately. This happens if the person does not have official work and registration addresses. Or he is registered at the address, but he lives in another place, and relatives at the place of registration address do not know anything about him. Then the information about it is collected from various sources.

Read more about the service of gathering information about a person.